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Mother/Daughter Girls Night Out Ideas | Personal


July 21, 2015

Sara and I cannot even begin to explain how much has been going on behind the screen!! We have been working hard (we promise!!) to bring you guys something special!! Yet, we will reveal what we have been working so hard at the end of this blog so just a little longer!
One thing I love about my work is working with my daughter. We make such a great team as we know what each other thinks and how the other works. Yet, family businesses always have a difficult side especially when we live with each other! We can disagree with how something is supposed to look or how a workflow needs to flow.  Something that we learn to do is discuss with each other how we feel about this or that, and we talk it through.  We don’t leave the room until we work through whatever needs to be discussed. And honestly, this does not happen that much which is why I really do love working with Sara.
However, we all need breaks! We need those times to recoup and have a turn off the brain from thinking anything to do with work/business! And when this time comes around when we need a break, Sara and I have Mother/Daughter girls night out ideas! We wanted to share a few of our ideas we do at least every month to help us have a quality, personal, and carefree date night with your daughter (or mother!).

1. M o v i e  D a t e : Whether this is inside your own home or at a movie theater, pick a funny movie that will make you laugh and just laugh away! Laughing is something that is so helpful with releasing tension and stress. Sara and I just went to the movies to see the Minions with a LARGE tub of buttery popcorn and our favorite candies! I haven’t laughed that hard in a while and it just helped put everything into perspective. We also have movie nights at my house where we wear our comfiest outfits and watch old black and white movies. Of course we have popcorn and candy, that is a must!

Greensboro Wedding Photography | Michelle Robinson Photography| Momma and Baby Bear
2. R e a d i n g : Sara and I never get the chance to read something other than photography books and other blogs we love, and when we do its is very rare! Is that how it is with you? Because honestly, I don’t know how some people even get a chance too! Yet, when Sara and I need a break, we read together. It might or might not be the same book, but we sit down in a quiet room together and read. It helps clear your head of everything you might worried about and leaves you focused on something else. Oh, don’t forget the beautifully soft music playing in the background, because I can’t read in just a died quiet room. Are you like that too?

3. S h o p p i n g : Okay, this might get us into a little bit of trouble with the Husbands, but who doesn’t need some retail fun every once and a while?!  Sara and I really do have similar taste in A LOT of things…we even have matching purses. (We love Target so much, maybe a little too much?) But this doesn’t have to mean shopping for clothing or journals, this also could mean taking a trip to Trader Joe’s for flowers and cookies. For us, this is an hour drive round trip and in this time we have time to talk about everything and anything (except business!).

Greensboro Wedding Photography | Michelle Robinson Photography| Momma and Baby Bear
 (Say hello to our beautiful mugs from Pier 1! Sara really loves her #calithecoffeecup!)
4. T a k i n g  S e l f i e ‘ s: I love this because it doesn’t cost any money, but it is the funniest thing to do! Selfie’s don’t always have to be beautiful, but can be goofy! You can make silly faces and just laugh at yourself and each other (and no one has to see them!)!! Just have fun and have no expectation! You could also do this at a photo-booth if you have one near you and keep the pictures in your memory box! Afterwards, you could pick up some ice cream and ask for extra sprinkles to share. 🙂
5. P i c n i c  T i m e : In North Carolina, it is SO hot lately, but when it hits the evening hour it can cool down enough for a picnic! Now, you don’t have to travel, but have one in your yard! It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. That is beautiful thing about picnic’s! Our favorite thing to put in our basket is watermelon because we ALWAYS eat it all up. Just take your favorite snacks, sit down and enjoy the beautiful outdoors (we try to do this without our phones, but always have to take photos)! Some fresh air is perfect so helping tension especially being caught up in front of a computer/phone screen.
With how crazy life can be, take some time out to enjoy some of these date night ideas with someone that you hold dearly. I know that I can’t wait for next week because Sara and I are going to take a day off to enjoy the hard work we have been working on! Which leads me into talk about our secret!
Everyone better keep a look out because by this time next week, Sara and I are releasing OUR NEW WEBSITE!!! Along with this beautiful new website, we will be releasing our new PRICING and new LOGO COLOR. We have been working so hard since June to do this and it has been even harder keeping it from you! We want you to get excited because these changes will help YOU out as a bride with new resources and more for you to experience!! We hope that you are just as excited as we are and will stick around to see the transformation!!!

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